European Ligand Assay Society,Italia | (ELAS-Italia)
Elas forum rules
as amended in the 12th General Assembly, Paris, October 18, 2012
Article 1: Constitution – Denomination
In accordance with 1st of July 1901 law, an association named ‘European Ligand Assay Society – Forum’ (ELAS FORUM) is formed.
Article 2: Head office
The ELAS FORUM head office is situated in France:
Faculte de Medecine Cochin
24, rue du Faubourg Saint-Jacques 75014 Paris
The administrative office is located in the residence country of the President in office.
Article 3: Social aim
The social aim of ELAS FORUM is:
- to develop and promote the appropriate and rational using of ligand assays;
- to develop and promote the scientific research in the field of ligand assays;
- to establish a platform for all the European specialists in the field of ligand assays.
To achieve its social aim, the association:
- will make information exchange easier between its members;
- will lead activities of research subject;
- will promote action of scientific subject;
- will organize and support educational activities;
- will publish papers and journals;
- will organize scientific meetings;
- will lead other activities in relation with its social
Article 4: Members
The association includes two categories of members: the ordinary members and the honor members.
Can obtain the capacity of ordinary member the body corporates: associations and working groups acting in the competence’s field of the present association. Their candidature must be agreed by the general assembly who gives a decision without appeal, and without having to motive his decision.
The capacity of honor member can be allocated to a natural person or a legal entity having to do with the association for important favors in scientific domain. The candidature in order to obtain the capacity of honor member will be supported by another member of the association.
The capacity of honor member is conferred by the general assembly.
The general assembly decides on the advisability to ask members the payment of a subscription to contribute to the functioning expenses of the association.
Article 5: General Assembly
Each ordinary member appoints within its bosom three natural persons assigned to represent it.
The honor members, having a consulting role, have no deliberative power.
The group of representatives and the honor members form the general assembly.
The general assembly rneets at least once a year and each time the President’s notification is necessary.
The members are called together by courier at least two months early. The notice to attend includes the agenda established by the President in office, and a “vote by proxy” form.
The general assembly defines the general policy of the association.
The general assembly proceeds to the appointment of the President and his successor according to the terms of the article 6.
The general assembly ratifies the legal report presented by the President, and if funds are available, closes the end-of-year balance sheet, allocates the fund, and ratifies the budget of the next year planned by the President.
Article 6: The President
The management and the administration of the association are entrusted to a President who has all power in the limits of the orientation defined by the general assembly.
The President is elected among the ordinary members by the annual general assembly.
The presidency is rotating and must be entrusted every two years to a different ordinary member.
At the same time the President is elected, the general assembly proceeds to the appointment of the ordinary member who will assume the presidency for the following two years, without prejudice of a confirmation of this election.
The President can be assisted by the representative of the ordinary rnember called to succeed to him. Nevertheless, the President remains responsible of his management in front of the general assembly.
Article 7: Financing
The expenses must be covered by the ordinary members or taken in charge by the ordinary rnember holding the presidency.
On the order of the active President, ELAS Italia manages the common financial operations requested by ELAS FORUM.
Article 8: Amendment to the rules
The amendment of the rules calls for a general assembly decision taken by a majority of two thirds of the attendance.
Article 9: Dissolution
The dissolution of the association calls for a general assembly decision taken by a majority of two thirds of the expressed votes.
The general assembly appoints one or several persons responsible for the liquidation and determines the appropriation of the liquidation bonus in accordance with the 1st of July 1901 law and the 16th of August 1901 order.