Who is Elas Forum

Since 1992 some European associations working, everyone in the respective country, decided to cooperate with the objective to promote meetings, interchange of information and in general scientific and operative cooperation between specialists on Laboratory Medicine working with immunochemical techniques , and more generally on the Ligand Assay applications.

From the same data the listed below associations founded the Forum of the European Societies of Ligand Assay that, on the respect of the constitutive statute of the Forum, maintain the identity of each association but more, with their representative on the Forum Board, coordinate some common activities. In particular the establishment and financing of ELAS Forum Award on annual national congresses of the societies, the organization and realization of scientific sessions dedicated to Ligand Assay on the most important congresses of Laboratory medicine, the exchange of scientific contributes between the review of the different societies.

The Board of the Forum identify, alternately the President of the Forum that is responsible, for the two years of nomination, of the coordination of the activities and of the effectiveness of the Forum. Each national association taking part to the Forum contribute, annually, with an economical contribution, to the activity decided by the Board.